Monday, October 17, 2016

Assisted Dying

It's in the news again and apparently the kinks won't be straightened out before 2017 in Canada.  I am very grateful at this point in my life that assisted dying will soon be legal and facilitated in Ontario!  We seniors have 2 immense fears about dying...that we will die in pain and helpless, and that we will have lost our mental capacities.  Other than those two things, most of us have our personal beliefs of the hereafter and those should help us leave in peace.

Someone posted a horrible photo on Facebook of a lady in a nursing home who has been in a vegetative state for 6 years but whose wishes before this happened are not being honored.  She left a living will stating she did not want to be artificially preserved when all quality of life was gone.  I feel the same way and now I'm worried that this terrible ending could happen to me.  The administrators of her nursing home refuse to allow her assisted dying and I have to admit that scares me a lot.

I don't believe medical personnel should be forced to be part of her assisted dying but I firmly believe that the nursing home should allow agreeable medical people to come in to comply with her wishes.  Why, when a human being has been in a vegetative state or in terminal agony, should they be force fed and hydrated against their direct instructions?

Assisted dying is nothing new and has been done by doctors and family secretly for many years.  It's time it comes into the open and we stop being hogtied by the church and the establishment that demands we live by their rules and not by what the majority of the people want.  If I'm in pain when I'm on my deathbed, give me any and all drugs, even heroin, to take the pain away.  If I'm in a vegetative state, ease me out and onward and don't leave me to rot uselessly and helplessly while being force fed by people who won't respect my wishes.

I believe in an afterlife but, even if none exists, no-one should be forced to stay alive when they're terminal and in excruciating pain.  Anyone who is in a terminally vegetative state should be allowed to pass in peace and not kept breathing for years because the medical staff doesn't believe in assisted dying.  The beliefs of the medical staff should never supersede the wishes of the dying patient.

There, I said it right.  The wishes of the dying patient should always be honored and assisted dying should always be made available by agreeable medical personnel.  

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