Saturday, October 15, 2016

Steroid Shot Wore Off

I'm not sure when I got the steroid shot for my arm but the good effects only lasted a few weeks.  It was so nice to be almost pain free for that short while and I had hoped it would last forever.  It wore off gradually and now I'm back to sleepless nights and a steady ache in that darned arm.  I'm even finding that I can't do my Swedish weaving for as long as I used to be able.  Maybe when I'm at the park clubhouse in Florida and can lay the fabric on a table it will take the pressure off my arm.  I sure hope so because I'll be working on my absolutely final afghan, one for Nick and Bev.  After it's finished, I'll only make table runners or place mats because it's just too difficult for me to work on 2 1/2 yds. of fabric.

I get the next steroid shot on November 2nd and, again, I'm hoping it will last at least all winter until I get home in the spring when I can get shot #3.  I'm not sure how many I'm allowed.

I've taken my almost pain free body for granted, not realizing how quickly my good luck could change.  I have very little arthritis and assumed I could live out my days with very little body pain.  Not so.  Now I'm not supposed to lift heavy items but my impatient nature makes that impossible.  When I want something done, I want it done now even if I'm taking chances with my elderly muscles.

Yesterday I moved my make-up table (a sofa table size) from the spare bedroom to my bedroom.  I'm struggling with finding a winter home for the balcony furniture that won't make my apartment look crowded and trashy so at least one chair and the table has to go in the spare bedroom.  I kind of like the make-up table in my own bedroom, though, but it means I have to get rid of a footstool.  It's too heavy for me to take down to the back door so I'll wait until one of my family members is here to do it for me.  I don't know how seniors without family manage on their own.  I'm needing mine more and more.

I also re-organized my jewelry for sale.  Kim and I have two venues this year, one on Oct. 29th and one on Nov. 12th.  Hopefully I'll be able to get rid of some of this stuff!

Today I'll spend a little time taking off old price stickers from my necklaces because I need to mark them down to sell faster.  I got a little greedy and now need to face reality.

Life is still darned good!

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