Saturday, October 22, 2016

Statistics Canada Is Still After Me

I can't believe Statistics Canada is still after me to participate in the Labor Survey!  According to my figures, after hundreds of calls from them since May, it must have cost tax payers thousands of dollars for them to harass an old lady into giving them personal information over the damn phone!  Someone should be looking into Statistics Canada because of the terrible waste of money spent trying to get this 76 year old lady to complete what amounts to a 6 month questionnaire on the labor market!

The last message left gave me the hours that someone could be contacted at Statistics Canada's offices.  Would you believe that there are people working there 7 days a week and into the late hours of the evenings just waiting for me to call and tell them about my work life (I haven't had one in 20 years)??

We all know that much of our tax dollars are wasted by an inefficient government but this is verging on the ridiculous.  

Oh yes, this 76 year old lady is still threatened with fine or jail if I continue to refuse to answer their survey questions. 

Canada, home of the free!

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