Monday, October 31, 2016

Unfit to Rule

The greatest country in the world is set to be under the control of a new president on November 10th.  The fact that the only two choices to rule this great country are completely unfit to do so is frightening.

We assume, falsely, that the final contestants in the bid for election are the cream of the crop.  Heaven help us all if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the two best people in the United States to lead them.  The whole election process has become a joke and, if we didn't know it before, politicians are mainly assholes who cheated and robbed their way into power.

Remember the story about the emperor with no clothes and how he was able to convince the people not to believe their own eyes?  Well, it's happening again.

Now, we here in Canada are not immune to also believing in a naked emperor.  We have a flower child ruling our country.  Is he the best we could have chosen?  Hell, no, but he was thrust upon us by a corrupt political system and a corrupt news media.  Our fault lies in the fact that we, the people, are sheep.

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