Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Back With The Spec

I had to cancel my local newspaper last summer because I couldn't handle the constant reports of killings any more.  I stopped watching the news on T.V., too.  Sometimes this violent world becomes too much for me to digest and I've learned to just back off for a while and put my concentrations on the good things in life.  I guess I healed and toughened up because I'm back to receiving my local paper and I'm also watching the news once in a while.

It's heartening to see how the good human beings are responsible for most of what happens in the world.  I do believe that goodness abounds and that evil is only apparent in very few people.  We (me) maybe respond too strongly to the evil events because they go against everything we human beings should stand for.  It's almost impossible to comprehend some of the pure evil we become aware of and to notice that most evil doers look just like the rest of us.  It's scary to think they walk among us but have minds that don't work as ours do.  

Anyway, I'm back to reading the morning newspaper and not reeling from the murderous reports.  I just scan over them and go on to more interesting editorials.  I snarl at the idiocies of our politicians but nothing they do surprises me.  It does the heart good to see how our multicultural society in Canada is continuing to diversify.  I'm a little leery of Sharia law being implemented but I strongly believe young Canadian muslims won't settle for such archaic rulings.  I have faith that, once experiencing freedom of choice, no-one will want to participate in such a restrictive order.

We human beings are far from perfect but we have the capacity to be wondrous if we choose!   

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