Monday, December 05, 2016

Winter At Home

We haven't had any snow so far except a bit on the roof of cars first thing in the morning but I'm actually enjoying being at home.  For the most part, the sun shines a lot and it doesn't seem to bother me too much when the days are cloudy.  I used to hate that!

I guess there has always been the thought in the back of my mind that the day would come when I'd have to stay home in the winter so I'm pretty well prepared emotionally.  Of course I miss my Florida friends but the bonus is that I get to spend more time with my family here in Canada now.  There is always something to be thankful for, isn't there?

Faye has decided not to take her rental at 3W because I'm not going.  I sort of wish she'd go any way because she has nice friends there who would be so happy to see her.  I think she might be staying home in case I need her.  I love my family.

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear when the MRI will be and still feeling pretty good.  I've got a bit of a tummy ache but nothing worse.  I got 2 new tires yesterday to replace the original ones which were about 5 years old.  I didn't want to even think of driving in the snow with tires that old.  The other 2 were replaced about 2 years ago so they're fine.  This won't be a normal winter where I can stay home if the weather is bad because I'm sure to have a few doctor's appointments.  Other than those, I'm quite happy to snuggle down in my sweet little apartment on snowy days.

I'm also still waiting to have the swivel apparatus installed on my new chair.  Apparently it's at the store and it was promised to be installed last week.  I'm getting pretty fed up with should have been installed at the factory!

Well, the sun is shining and I've procrastinated long enough.  Time to get some work done...not much, though.

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