Friday, December 02, 2016


I'm pretty easy going until something outrageous sets me off and this morning I read 2 posts on Facebook that did just that.  One was the "outing" of a well known couple who have a home renovation show on T.V. and it totally pissed me off.  The "outing" was an attempt to destroy these people and their income by informing everyone that they had the nerve to believe that homosexuality was a sin.  Well, crap!  I remember when a gay person's life and career were ruined when some ass "outed" them to the public.  Didn't we learn from that how unfair it is to hold judgement on someone just because their legal lifestyle didn't coincide with our own??  And now the tables have turned.  Now the bleeding heart liberals demand you accept their beliefs or face public shunning!

In both cases, it is a form of bullying and not done by a decent human being.  I hope people like this are forced onto the stage of public opinion themselves and shamed for the ignorant bullies they are!

I had barely calmed my little self down when I read another post of a young girl who committed suicide because she had been mercilessly bullied by her schoolmates because of her weight.  First, bullies are desperately insecure people who feel so low about themselves that they have to attack someone weaker in order to validate their own existence.  They only succeed in bullying if everyone stands mutely by and allows it to happen.  I applaud the teens who see bullying and step forward to confront the bully.  Their opposition is more powerful than they can know.

And, sadly, second, the people who bullied this young girl to her death will have to live with the results of their actions for the rest of their lives.  It will impact their lives in ways that could destroy them and they had stupidly thought they could hound this girl and not suffer any consequences from it.  

All of this could have been avoided if the good people had spoken up.  Bullying is unacceptable human behaviour. 

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