Monday, December 19, 2016

The Christmas Season

I just figured out that it doesn't matter one bit which religion you are, you can still believe in Santa and enjoy the Christmas season.  I don't really know what holidays other religions have because I was brought up in the Christian religion even though I don't follow it now.  I've always thought that Christmas was a wonderful time, not because of the presents, because of the good spirits and happiness that comes with it.  For me, Santa is a huge part of Christmas and that's because the pure joy of the season seems to revolve around him.  We can all enjoy Santa because he doesn't seem to represent any religion, just the fun side of the season.  Forget about "St. Nicholas"...that's not our Santa these days.

I'm not disrespecting the religious aspect of Christmas.  I'm only pointing out that the fun aspect (Santa) can be enjoyed by everyone without exceptions and I sincerely love that idea.  It can be a time when differences are set aside and we all just exist in an atmosphere of love and presents even necessary.  How can anyone not feel joyful when we see a beautifully decorated tree with an angel on top?  The plethora of lights and carols abound for everyone to enjoy, not just Christians.  This is why I can't understand someone who complains and wants the trees removed.  It's like the people who complain about a neighbor who painted his/her house something other than white or beige.  Enjoy the color!  Enjoy the beauty!  Find the joy in the season of giving and the looks of wonder on children's faces when they see the beautifully decorated and brightly lit trees!  Look beyond any semblance of religion if that bothers you and at least see the beauty.

I'm not religious but I love all the pageantry of Christmas.  I'm not Indian but I absolutely love the gloriously colored saris that the women wear.  I'm not native but I admire how many of them show great respect for mother earth.  I'm not a real gardener any more (balcony only) but I glory in the sight of a lovely garden.  You don't have to have any kind of title to enjoy beauty in whatever form it comes in.

And so I'm going to enjoy this Christmas season to the fullest, loving the lights and the music, loving the family get-togethers, loving my turkey dinner, and loving a season that reminds us to be giving and kind to one another.  I won't be going to any church at all but I don't mind who does.

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