Thursday, January 26, 2017

Bit of a Scare

Ever since I found out in November that I have a cyst in my pancreas I've worried a bit about it's progression.  Because I've felt perfectly normal since then, I had built up a hope that it would just stay there and never cause me any trouble but yesterday the right side of my stomach ached for most of the day.  This might mean nothing because I'm fine today but it's left a little niggling worry in my mind.  Is this how it starts??

I'm the kind of person who worries even when I have nothing to worry about.  Then I worry I'm missing something.  LOL!  I haven't minded waiting so long (April 20th) for the MRI because I'm a little apprehensive about what it will show.  I don't look up anything about pancreas cysts because I don't want to scare myself.  What I do know is that they can cause problems even if they're benign.

Anyway, I know I pay too much attention to every little twinge in my stomach and I'll have to program myself to stop doing that.  What will be will be and there's nothing I can do about it but hope for the best.  Kim gave me a little sign to hang on my keychain that says "HOPE".  I had to remove it from the keychain because all the darned keys I have to carry were just too heavy but I keep the sign here in front of me at the computer.  

It's good to have hope but it's also very important to not dwell on the worst case scenario, too.  I'll work on that!

Update:  Well, the twinges went away and I've felt just fine so I guess I was worried for nothing.  Funny how that is usually the case!

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