Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Metformin and Diarrhea

It might not be nice to mention that Metformin seems to cause diarrhea but, in my case, it has been a problem.  When I'm going to be traveling or going somewhere special, I don't take my pills because I don't want to worry.  It's not a good thing to skimp on your pills, though.

I don't like eating in the morning and you're supposed to take the pills with food but I usually force myself to get by with a banana.  It's not enough food and I only have myself to blame for the problems it causes.

  Today I forced oatmeal down but all Shelley had was the high sugar kind and it was pretty disgusting.  I'll buy some low sugar oatmeal today and see if I can manage that.  Funny how I could always eat like a horse but just not first thing in the morning!  It also struck me as hilarious that I was eating high sugar oatmeal in order to take the medication to control my body sugar.  LOL!

Shelley is taking Faye and me over to Orlando later today to meet up with Nicole and then go wedding gown shopping.  I can't wait to see my gorgeous Nicole is a wedding gown.  Every one will look beautiful, just like Nicole.

Then we'll go for dinner before heading back to Tampa.  John and Jake are both away for a few days so it's just us ladies on our own!

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