Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Church

The equivalent of going to church for me is when I post photos of flowers and jokes on Facebook each morning.  I noticed this morning that I wasn't left with that wonderful feeling because I'm using the touch pad on the laptop and it's a pain in the butt.  Anyway,  It's a part of my daily routine I still enjoy for the most part.  I don't know why I didn't think to bring the mouse even though I chose to leave the remote keyboard at home.  Sigh!

It's an overcast day here in Florida but still lovely and warm.  My laptop is set up on the diningroom table but I can hear the goings on of my family as they move along their days.  Jake leaves very early for school so I didn't see him but John and Shelley got up later and are doing some of their work at home for a while.  Faye and Val are wandering around, drinking coffee, and chatting.  It's a serene household filled with terrific people and 2 very darling dogs.  The house is huge so it accommodates lots of company without seeming crowded.  Thank heavens Shelley and John love having their family visit!

I talked to Shelley about the trailer...whether she should sell it..but she wants to wait until I get the results from my MRI in April.  I'm still feeling as though there's nothing wrong with me and kind of teed off that the ultrasound in November showed the darned cyst that they weren't even looking for.  Sometimes we're better off not knowing we might have a problem.

Today I'm staying home, resting and reading.  I think we're cooking dinner for the family tonight...probably Faye cooking and me helping because we all know I'm not a good cook.  I can live with that!  

This is a happy home!

Oh yes, Cindy has been posting pictures of her new puppy and it looks like the other two dogs are accepting him.  I can't wait to see him but he's not going to be a lap dog...probably end up around the 60 lb. size.

Well, my coffee needs replenishing and my work here is done.

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