Sunday, March 26, 2017

Child Predators

I just read an article about how to protect your child from predators and was terribly dismayed all over again by how most children are molested by friends or family members.  The second most dangerous place is their church.  Their school is also not necessarily safe from predators.

I was a "mean" mother who almost always refused to allow my daughters to go for sleep overs at their friends' homes.  Maybe I was right.  Maybe I was paranoid.  I just know that it terrified me to have them out my sight and control.

To me, it seems to make the most sense that you have to keep your children safe above all else.  Pay great attention to anyone who will be alone with your child and be positive before allowing them to be alone with them.  Trust your instincts!

We "normal" people have a difficult time understanding how anyone would want to sexually molest a child because we are wired differently.  We are wired to protect and nurture children while predators are selfish bastards with no conscience.  I learned as a child to be wary of everyone and not trust too soon.  I've been told that my way of thinking isn't healthy but that's just the way it is and I've been proven right too many times for it to be coincidence.

Predators usually put themselves in positions of trust and access to children.  How many coaches, teachers, clergy have we heard betrayed that trust?  Sadly, predators come from all classes, religions, and occupations so we have to be aware and keep an open eye to what doesn't seem quite right.

I mentioned in an earlier blog how one of my grandchildren became a favorite of their teacher in about grade 2.  The teacher began giving him little presents and that got our attention.  Then he asked permission to take my grandson on an overnight to some event out of town.  My daughter, alert to the danger, refused to allow it and notified the principal of the school who was also horrified.  The teacher was ordered to not be alone with my grandson and he (the teacher) left the school at the end of the year to almost certainly continue teaching at another school where no-one would know what he was.  That worries me to this day.  I understand that no actual harm was done to my grandson but he was definitely being groomed.

Be aware, pay attention, and save your children from having some sick S.O.B. destroy their precious little lives.


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