Sunday, March 26, 2017

Pulling An Allnighter

I wish I knew how I can sometimes be awake all night against my will but still need an afternoon nap after having a good night's sleep.  Makes no sense!

I have literally been awake all night tossing and turning until I finally gave up around 4 A.M. and came out to play on the computer.  I'm assuming I'll need a nap later on this morning but that really screws up my day.  

I turned off the T.V. at 11:30 last night feeling tired enough to sleep but it just never happened.  I have the odd night like this but, if I'm really unlucky, it could be 3-4.  When that happens I'm completely miserable and tired all day so I hope this last one will be the only one for a while.

Tonight I'll have a glass of wine before bedtime and see if that helps.  If it doesn't, I can still enjoy the wine.

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