Friday, March 24, 2017

Run By Idiots

I'm becoming terribly disillusioned again with what I read on the internet.  I read today how one politician believes that rape and incest are "acts of god".  I also read that the school superintendant of one of the schools where a young girl was raped by an illegal claims that the parent backlash is racially motivated.  Could it also be that the 18 year old male had been placed in a classroom with 13 year old girls??  Could it be that the citizens are aghast that so many illegals are given free schooling, medical care, driver's licences, etc.?  There are huge dangers here in the daily life of citizens that are not being fairly represented.

Then I read that some people in government are saying that, by refusing to accept Sharia law, we are racist.  Bullcrap!  I'm sick of hearing myself and people who think as I do called racists or bigots because we, the vast majority, refuse to back down to the unreasonable demands of the vast minority.

On a happier note...I live in a 1960's apartment building that is exceptionally well managed.  This morning the superintendant came in for a scheduled check of the smoke alarm and, while he was here, I showed him the chipped bathroom vanity and asked if it could be replaced.  He said yes.  I offered to pay for new taps but he said he'd cover that also.  Excellent management on a small level.  Too bad this man isn't running the country!  

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