Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Winnie's in Jail

I knew we might have a problem when Winnie refused to go out in the rain last night for her final pee and poop.  Tank soldiered on and did his business with no fuss and no regard for getting wet but Winnie is a prima donna.  We tried pushing her out but she wouldn't budge.  Faye carried her out and dumped her but she was back in the house before Faye was.  There was nothing to do but put her in her cage and go to bed.

Winnie is a little trouble maker who gets into things when she's free to roam the house at night so she has to go in her little kennel even when left alone through the day.  I'm always amazed at how compliant she is about being locked up.

The last few nights she's managed to escape her kennel and we can't figure out how she does it.  We make sure it's closed up tightly but we're not sure we're doing it right.  Apparently we're not.  Last night, worried about the repercussions of a puppy that hasn't had a final pee and poop, we put her in her cage and shut the door as firmly as we could.  Faye positioned the kennel so that the door was against a cabinet, too.

I was up first this morning and came down to Winnie running around and Tank hunkered as deeply into his bed as possible.  Normally he'd greet me all happy and looking for breakfast but not this morning.  He was worried that the crime scene I was about to witness would be blamed on him.  I saw about a dozen little tiny piles of poop and a couple of yellow stains on the floors.  Hmmm!  They weren't Tank's!

Winnie's cage was pushed away from the cabinet and the door was open just enough to let that little devil out!  I called her to me and she came and threw herself over on her back...she knew darned well she'd done wrong!  

I put her back in her kennel with her breakfast.  She deserves jail time!

The moral of this story is...dogs are smarter than old ladies.

Just a note:  Shelley told us about a time when Winnie had chewed something up and then left the evidence on poor Tank's bed.  He was so terrified he'd be blamed that he was squeezing himself as far away from it as he could.  Do you think Winnie is smart enough to plant evidence?

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