Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bone Marrow Test

I don't like to get hurt so I don't like needles but can tolerate them if I don't watch.  I'm thinking that one of the tests the hematologist will want me to do is to take some bone marrow and I've read that it's painful so I don't know how foolish I'd be to refuse it.  Shelley said that, unless it's absolutely necessary, just refuse so that's what I'll do.

I hate medical tests.  When your body is invaded by cameras and needles it's sure as hell going to show some anomaly that needs taken care of.  And that's going to require more tests!

I woke up in the middle of the night going over the latest findings and have come to the conclusion my CLL has probably gotten to the point where it can't just be left alone and checked once a year.  I can just see the hematologist saying.."we'll need to send you for a zillion tests even though you feel wonderful".  I do feel wonderful, too, but something that's odd for me is that I'm very slowly losing weight and my appetite isn't what it used to be.  Now, that would have been good news at one time but now I'm looking for changes to worry about.

I have enlarged lymph nodes and need to find out why.  They enlarge for a reason and I can bet the reason will require many damn tests.  It's funny that the ultrasound taken last November showed a cyst that didn't exist and no enlarged lymph nodes at all.  An MRI is more accurate and that's what is showing the enlarged lymph nodes now.  I'd prefer to just go my merry way and never see a doctor again but that's a pipe dream, I guess.

I have a friend who was given a clean bill of health in October last year and then diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December so I don't have a lot of faith in doctors.  I honestly believe we need to stay away from them until we have symptoms we can't tolerate.  And I honestly believe they're guessing most of the time and basing their diagnosis and treatment on nothing more than a guess.

I was diagnosed with CLL about 7 years ago when my WBC was 4.3.  No treatment is required until it reaches 80.  It's now at 18.5 and that's what started this series of photographic invasion into my innards.  I saw a documentary on T.V. with a panel of doctors saying patients are being alarmed unnecessarily by being told they have CLL when their counts are too low to ever cause them concern.

Well, I had to get that off my chest and will write in the blog after I see the doctor on Friday.  


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