Monday, April 17, 2017

Glass Collection

I love glass whether it's carnival glass, colored glass, or clear glass and what is pictured above is my prized collection.  Most came from Ebay but a few treasures (like the last photo) came from yard sales.  A few were presents, too.

I use the vases for cut flowers but the rest is just there to be pretty and admired.  When I used to yard sale, if I saw tables of colored glass I'd be in heaven.  They don't have to be rare or expensive pieces, just pretty to look at.

Carnival glass became my favorite after being introduced to it by a friend.  Irene was so darned knowledgeable about it and taught me most of what I know.  I also really like the old heavy art glass but only kept a few pieces when I moved from my house to the apartment.

There's something so beautiful about the light shining off a piece of glass, especially the colored glass.  I have no more room to display it but, if I fell across a piece of carnival or art glass at a yard sale, I'd have to buy it even if it meant giving it away to my family.

Speaking of family...most of mine don't like the carnival glass at all.  It seems you either love the gaudy colors or you hate them.  I love them!


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