Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Overloaded With Crafts

Any one of my progeny who has inherited the "overdoing" gene from me will know where it comes from.  All my life I've thought that if one was good, two or three were even better.  And so I have a spare bedroom overloaded with craft supplies...some I need but most I just want "in case".

Every so often I decide that this is the day I clear out some of the craft supplies that I'll never get around to using but nothing much gets thrown away.  It's very hard to toss something I think in my heart will be useful real soon.  I guess that's how hoarders feel.  The only difference between me and a hoarder is that my stuff is neatly stored.

When I thought that I'd never be able to use my Florida trailer again, I brought all the monks cloth home.  There was no way on earth that I could abandon monks cloth.  I've already told Faye that, when I die, she's to share my stash with Donna.  Monks cloth is like gold.

Now, when I do go to my final reward, some people are going to be really happy to receive the craft supplies I've greedily kept.  I might try another day or two of whittling down the supply, though, but I can't promise it will shrink much.

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