Friday, August 11, 2017

Nuclear War

For most of my life I've had a teensy fear of a nuclear war breaking out between the U.S. and Russia.  Never in all those years did I consider that, instead of Russia, little old North Korea might be the country to bring us down.

Their dictator, Kim Jong Un (hope I spelled that correctly), is a fat, weird looking creep who somehow manages to keep his tiny country under tight control.  He has also somehow come into possession of nuclear warheads that he is using to threaten the United States.  Is he insane?  Probably.  Is this a serious threat?  Definitely!

Then we have the mighty United States and President Trump waging a war of words with the North Korean imbecile.  This is not a sensible approach and the world as we know it could be destroyed by one angry "tweet".  I have great confidence that the United States will not start a war with Kim but neither will they be able to shut Trump up and that might influence crazy Kim to start a war with the U.S.  This would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

Any nuclear attack anywhere will result in devastating damage, much loss of life, and nuclear fallout that will affect everyone on earth.  There's no escaping this possibility at this time and what we are witnessing is that the fate of our world is in the hands of two very unstable people.  I am a pacifist but I'm looking to see Kim gone.  


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