Monday, September 18, 2017

A Mouse In The House

I just read a terrifying account of a lady who thought she had a mouse in the house.  Well, I definitely did and here's the story.

I was sitting at my computer probably playing games because I think it was before I was on Facebook.  It was a quiet day as I remember when I spotted movement to the left of me and saw, to my horror, a mouse come strolling up and over the files I had there.  To say I moved quickly and away while screaming bloody murder really doesn't paint the true picture.  I am deathly afraid of snakes and rodents and some bugs.

Now, I'm a widow so there was no-one for me to turn to for help and the mouse was on the move.  I didn't want to lose sight of it but I didn't want to get close to it so I pretty much danced around screaming and trying to think what to do.  I spotted the Raid I used to kill centipedes (the usual bane of my existence at the time) and started spraying the mouse.  I don't give one hoot if that sounds cruel.  I was petrified!

For some reason the mouse wasn't running wildly about but sort of slowly.  I continued to spray and he finally lay still.  I didn't know if he was dead or resting and knew I had to cover him with something to keep him from running off.  I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a colander I knew I could throw out after the event and covered him with it.  Fearing he could still escape from under the colander I grabbed a piece of my treasured heavy art glass and laid it on top of the colander.

Phewww!  Safe for the moment, anyway.  I hurried to the phone and called the bug man who sprayed my house every year because of the damned centipedes and asked him if he could come and remove the mouse.  He said it probably had not arrived in my house alone so he'd bring some traps, too.  

I couldn't stand to be in the same room or even house as a mouse, dead or alive, so I went outside and sat at the end of the driveway waiting for the bug man to arrive.  He had a smirk on his face when he came but he went inside the house and did what he had to do.

It cost me something like $160.  Expensive for a mouse but at least I never saw another one.

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