Monday, September 18, 2017

Old Hurts Still Hurt

I tried to tell Kim about a conversation I had with Mary and Don about "old hurts" and how much they still hurt when remembered.  She has no concept of that and just figures you should get over it and move on.  I always thought she was sensitive!

Anyway, Don, who is a crusty 82 year old who has been around the block many times and held his own was telling us about an incident when he was in his teens.  His brother and friends planned on going to the beach but they had a flat tire.  Don (younger brother) asked if he could go with them and then helped change the tire.  His brother and friends hopped in the car and left without him and he never forgave his brother for that.  He sounded angry but look so hurt at the 60+ year memory that it got me thinking how hurts like that remain in our subconscious long after they happen.  At least to some people, maybe not Kim but I really don't believe that.  She's a sop!

I still have memories of old hurts that were so horrible they cut me like a knife even today.  Not for long, though, because they are long past and dwelling on them isn't good for you.  Sometimes it's only a word spoken that won't go away and remembering takes you right back to the moment it was said and your body remembers and reacts the way it did then.

It works the same with good memories, though, and that's where my mind tries to dwell these days.  Remembering the hurtful times doesn't make them never happen, it only makes you sad.

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