Friday, September 29, 2017

I Watched Football

To be more accurate, I watched the pre-game (which lasted FOREVER) and the national anthem.  It was a Packers/Bears game and I thought they were important enough to get the information I wanted.  I wanted to see if they'd kneel and, if they did, what the fans' reaction would be.

So I suffered through ages of pre-game rambling which I understood none of, and checked out the stands to see how empty or full they were.  Then I realized I had no comparison to go by.  I don't like football probably because I don't understand it.

Anyway, the moment arrived and all the players and others joined together on the field with arms linked and they were standing.  I absolutely loved the message here.  It screamed that these people were united and moving ahead together.  Whoever thought to do this deserves a medal because it was the absolutely best thing they could have done to bring back their fans.  So much harm had been done by these entitled football players that it rocked the world of sports.  Standing with linked arms was perfect!

I do have to say this with reservation, though.  I'm sure the previously kneeling players were warned that their behaviour wouldn't be tolerated and they had better stand with arms linked.  It's something like taking a whiny child and warning them to behave or else they'd be put in time out.  Now, isn't that a nice analogy?

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