Friday, September 08, 2017

My Buddha Doodle

There's a bit of camera flash on this but it's still adorable.  I check on "Buddha Doodles" every day and usually find inspiration from them.  The sayings are often deep and always uplifting.

Last year I went a little crazy about getting photos of flowers off the internet and taking them to Costco to have plaqued.  My apartment walls are full of beautiful and colorful pictures of these flowers now and they really do uplift my spirits when I look at them.  The Buddha Doodle was ordered as a poster which I then had plaqued and it is also a pleasure for me to see on the wall.

I really do get a lot of pleasure from pretty things like flowers and pretty glass.  I don't need an expensive antique to make me happy, just a pretty little doodad.

This sweet little plaque hangs in the bathroom and I had to remove a flower plaque for it.  I'm not out of wall space but there is definitely a lack of it now.  Oh well, whatever makes you happy, right?

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