Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I deliberately changed my hairstyle to one that only needed trimming every 3 months or so but it's now been 4 months and I hate it.  It's being cut today so I'm hoping to love it again.

I've always tended to put off a haircut until the day my hair becomes unmanageable and that happened a few days ago...maybe earlier than that but I must have ignored it.  Getting my hair cut is always a traumatic experience for me because there have been many times in my life that I was stuck with a bad haircut until it grew in enough to cut again.  It helps to have a hairdresser I can trust but nothing is certain even then.

I remember one time receiving one of those awful haircuts and my son-in -law (not around any more) took one look at me and asked in a shocked tone, "What happened to your hair???".  Only a woman can understand how that moment stayed with me all these years and still hurts.

Most women don't need "the perfect haircut".  We just want something that doesn't make us wince when we look at it in the mirror.  

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