Sunday, December 31, 2017

Here Comes 2018

I'm sure most seniors feel like me and that the world has passed us by.  Technology is such that most of us are completely lost when trying to solve a tech problem.  Thank heavens for the tech support teams that have been taught how to politely deal with must be very hard for them to crawl down to our level of understanding.

In all honesty, seniors don't have much purpose in life.  We, at best, can act as a fount of knowledge for the little ones but we just sort of go about our days doing not much.  We don't have to work and we sure don't want to work.  We just want to live in peace and have fun occasionally.  Sort of like a pet.

I'm not disparaging seniors when I say this.  It's probably what every human being aims for in life but they'd prefer to do it while they're still agile and beautiful.  Sorry.

In my youth, I thought 20 was kind of old.  When I was in my twenties, I thought 40 was old.  In my 40's, I thought 60 was old but nothing to be afraid of.  When I hit 60 I stopped worrying about what was old and decided to concentrate on having a good time, whatever that happened to be in my life.  As you can see, age is only a perception of whoever is thinking about it.  

Never in my young life did I see myself still here at 77 but I am and I'm enjoying most of my moments, too.  What I hate most about this time in my life is how many of the people who were important to me have passed away.  I just can't conceive of that energy gone and dissipated.  Oh, the mystery of life!

But here we go into 2018 and my 78th birthday will arrive in August.  There has to be a reason for this!

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