Sunday, December 31, 2017

I Remember When

The world has changed so much...become terribly unsafe and seemingly full of haters.  I remember a different world.

I remember when New Year's eve celebrations were happy times and public places like Times Square weren't under a terrorist watch.

I remember when public festivities like an outdoor music festival was a place to go and have fun, not worry about crazies shooting it up.

I remember when Christmas was celebrated with no-one having to be careful not to say the word "Christmas".

I remember when it was safe for a 5 year old to walk to school alone.

I remember when high schools didn't need metal detectors or hired police protection.

I remember when police officers were respected.

I remember when most Mommys were there to make our lunch when we went home from school at noon.

I remember dinner was served to the family at home every single night.

I remember when a university education guaranteed a good career.

I remember when a pedophile would be beaten up badly by the neighbors or family before the police arrived.

I remember when few families owned even one car.

I remember hunting down the one family in the neighborhood with a T.V. and watching it through their front window.

I remember when few people owed money on a credit card.

I remember when people bought simple houses and it only took one salary to support the family.

I remember when all the children in the neighborhood played safely outside and beyond the presence or influence of any adults.

I remember wading through deep snow to get to school in the winter.  The teachers all made it there, too.

I remember the joy of the last day of school before summer.  No expensive holidays were in front of me but the precious freedom to go wherever my heart desired was.

Those were days of freedom for children because our world was a safer place for us.  We did see a few crazies but they weren't toting guns...our crazies were usually flashers.  Having a safer environment meant we had the opportunity to become street smart.  We learned at a slow pace what to stay away from.

The world today is crammed with crazies who think nothing of grabbing, molesting, and killing a child.  And there are crazies whose addled brains tell them they have the right to shoot up a school or a church.  The ones who will deliberately race their vehicle into a crowd of innocent people are also to be feared.

They say we've lost our innocence but I think we've been led astray by vocal groups of people who believe monsters who commit horrible crimes should be forgiven instead of put away for good.  They are instrumental in these crazies being given short jail sentences and then toss them out among us over and over.  And so our world becomes infested with the crazies and no longer a safe place for anyone.

Yes, I remember a very different world which wasn't perfect but it was more perfect than it is today.   

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