Saturday, December 30, 2017

New Year's Resolutions

In my whole life I have never followed through with any new Year's resolutions I made so I gave up.  At any moment in time I'm doing the best I can considering the circumstances and that should be enough for anyone.

Of course we can all improve and that should be a daily effort and not one you wait until the end of the year to accomplish.  When I look back on the person I was in my youth, I'm a saint in comparison.  I have improved.

It didn't take church and it didn't take complaints.  It took inner reflection and that's the most accurate assessment you can find.  

I spent ages this morning on the most aggravating internet (Tengonet) to find a quote I spotted on Facebook just as I was leaving the page.  It starts out "I woke up different" and then goes on to say how it makes no sense to find your value or happiness in the opinion of others.  Not everyone has your best interests at heart and the sooner you learn whose opinion matters the better.  Your own opinion matters most!

If someone finds fault with you, don't ignore it but give it some thought and then make up your own opinion on the matter.  They might be right but they also might be wrong and we can't take anything at face value.

Back to New Year's resolutions...I think we've created this foolishness as a way to procrastinate doing what we know should be done.  I wonder if it works for anyone??  Me, I'll continue my own little path of trying to be a better person but I'll do it daily.  I'll never be perfect but you won't either.  

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