Thursday, February 15, 2018

Cultural Suicide

I heard a lady on the radio, very angry about the latest mass shooting, say that we are in the midst of cultural suicide.  She spoke mainly about gun control which will never be allowed in the United States no matter how many people die needlessly.

I thought of other issues that would point to cultural suicide such as not letting our children education or sports.  I thought of unfair laws that allow criminals and predators freedom after serving 1/3 of their sentence.  I also thought of the lawyers who whine to the jury that their client had an abusive or deprived childhood in order to get them a lighter sentence.

I thought of Bruce Jenner who, after sex change surgery, was lauded by some as a hero.  I saw veterans with amputations and possibly PTSD living on the streets while we treat terrorists to unconscionable awards for "undue" suffering after their capture.  I thought of university students, laden with school debt, unable to get a decent job or even a job at all.

I see T.V. shows praising a young teen boy who prefers to live as as a female but who now has a crush on a girl.  Marriage and life commitment is rare.  Fatherless homes are common.  Teachers are threatened by their students and the students' horrible behaviour is tolerated by their parents. 

Our society is in this devastating state of chaos because self discipline and respect isn't being taught at home or in the schools.  Social mores have become illogical, supported by the few and followed blindly by too many.  Society has to make some kind of sense or it will gradually crumble and that is what we're seeing today.

A young man, sad because he's lost his parents and resentful because his behaviour at school caused his expulsion, believed he had the right to take his legal semi-automatic weapon into the school and take away the lives of 17 people.  He felt lousy so he decided the answer was to murder innocent people.  

And that makes about as much sense as all the other illogical bits and pieces of our present day society.   

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