Sunday, February 18, 2018

We Will Make Changes

My precious and much loved grandson truly believes his generation will be effective in making our world a safer, kinder, happier place.  He truly believes that each generation that has gone before are responsible for the horrors we're seeing today.

I love him dearly but he is one of the good, idealistic young men who is going to be sadly disappointed when his vision of utopia fails to appear.  Each society is a reflection of the culture it has adopted and we're seeing the effects of cultural change for the worse right now.

I believe it can get better because it has to get better.  There is something seriously wrong with what our children are being conditioned to that has caused all of these mass shootings.  There are violent video games and movies, violent and hateful lyrics in popular songs, removal of pledging allegiance to the flag of our country in the schools.  There are homes with both parents working and no-one home to watch over the children.  There is rampant divorce and single mothers doing their best to be both mother and father to their children.

There are so many reasons for the poor direction our society has taken and each and every one of them needs to be acknowledged and addressed.  The blame doesn't lie solely with past generations but with allowing flawed human beings access to more than they can process at an early age.

We have raised too many "entitled" human beings who have now reached adulthood.  If their parenting was poor or sometimes non-existent, these are the walking time bombs we speak of and not the people with mental illness.  We are not raising mentally ill children, we are raising perennial children with no coping skills for the real world.

Something has to change and I'm certainly hoping it will.  


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