Monday, February 19, 2018

Lunch With The Alvari

Shelley and John picked me up yesterday and we drove to a nice Mexican restaurant in Orlando somewhere (I have no idea where I was) where we met Nicole and Sam.  I'm very proud of all my family but Nicole pretty much amazes me the most with how darned intelligent she is and she still looks like she's 12 years old! 

John, Nicole, and Sam did a lot of talking that went right over my head...Nicole and Sam are both engineers and John is just a plain genius.  I'm not discounting my highly intelligent Shelley, either.  Dennis would have been right in his glory there conversing on schematics and business tactics.  I am not at their level.

John measured the trailer window that needs a piece of plexiglass to protect it this coming summer so I can relax and not worry about the awning breaking the window.  The hurricane winds last summer caused the awning to shake so much that it tore up the window screen.  If it had broken the window, the trailer would have filled up with mold and been uninhabitable.

I love living this close to Shelley and John during the winter but I still need to cut the time spent here to 3 months instead of 5.  Hopefully, they'll get that beach condo they're looking for and I'll feel better about being here only 3 months.  They get no use whatsoever out of the trailer but they'll really get to enjoy a beach condo.

I've got nothing much to do today except some Swedish weaving.  I enjoy lazy days like this!

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