Friday, March 02, 2018

Some Inner Observations

There's no question I've been blessed with how I'm able to live my senior years.  I give most of the thanks to Dennis for the hard work and dedication he provided us but I know I had a small part in planning for this time in my/our lives.

Good or bad, I think the real person I was meant to be has emerged in these latter years.  I see myself being more social and on a more truthful level.  At this age we have no-one to impress or compete with so we can just be who we are.

When I make friends, I am still humbled by the fact they like me and want to spend time with me...that feeling may never go away because it's part of the baggage I carry.  Believe me, seniors have been through a lot of crap in their lives and it's up to us how we come through it all.  I believe I've done well.

What got me started on this tangent was how much I enjoy the solitary quiet of the early morning.  There is no loneliness in being alone if you have the right attitude.  In fact, we seniors sometimes can't adjust to the frenzy of being in crowds.  Gail and I talked about this the other day and we agree we can only tolerate the noise and confusion of crowds for a short time before we have to escape to a quieter atmosphere.  Even our card playing nights, while very enjoyable because the people we play with are wonderful, wouldn't be so wonderful if they happened every single night.  

I can't speak for seniors who suffer from loneliness while doing nothing to alleviate it.  You can't sit on your butt and expect the world to come to you.  You have to step out and engage the world where you most certainly will make contact with nice people with like interests.  I could never have done this in my earlier years but I have no trouble now.  I talk to everyone!  Apparently age has opened me up.  

Anyway, today is my coffee morning with some of the ladies in our park who mean a lot to me.  They help make my life interesting and comfortable just by being themselves.  Yes, I am blessed and, no, I'm never lonely because I do step outside my own space to have relationships with good people.

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