Sunday, September 23, 2018

Exposing Sex Assault After 36 Years

Because of the scandal involving a possible future supreme court judge and an incident that supposedly happened 36 years ago, it got me thinking a lot about what happens when a sex assault becomes public.

I want to make it perfectly clear that anyone who has suffered through a sex assault or rape has the right to speak out about it no matter how long ago it happened.  But the possible effect it will have on the life of the accused absolutely has to be taken into account.  It is entirely possible for someone to falsely accuse someone so we have to have guidelines when an accusation is made public.

It should be possible for both accused and accuser to take lie detector tests if there are no credible witnesses or physical evidence of the attack.  I know these tests are not infallible but it could be a start.  

Because of the recent mess with a college professor making a claim that the man who is awaiting appointment as a supreme court judge sexually assaulted (not raped) her 36 years ago when he was a drunken 17 year old high school student, just the claim has turned his world upside down.  We have to first believe the lady but then it has to somehow be proven.  Otherwise, anyone could destroy a life and career of another person just by making a claim.  

Cindy called me the other night rather livid that I haven't immediately taken the woman's side but there is a degree of question here since it happened 36 years ago and, so far, there is no actual proof it happened.  

Again, I tend to believe her but you can't destroy a man's life without some proof.  There is also a political element to all of this.  There is a distinct possibility that, if Kavanaugh is appointed to the supreme court, he could be instrumental in overturning Roe vs Wade which gives women the freedom to choose whether or not to have an abortion.  Most women do not want this law overturned.

I will continue to believe this lady until it's proven otherwise but I certainly hope there will be definite proof one way or another.     


Shelley said...

Did you know that Ford took (and passed) a lie detector test?

patsyrose said...

No, I didn't know that. That will be an excellent source of proof.