Monday, October 29, 2018

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is killing us.  There's no other way to put it.  To hear that drug addiction is now of epidemic proportion in North America is frightening.  It isn't just the raggedy street people who are addicted and therefore that's how they became homeless and living on the streets.  It's also the average working person who is slowly destroying their family and then their means to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.  Some have been stupid enough to try illegal drugs but many have become addicted first to prescription drugs obtained from their doctors.

Even good parents are unable to control the fate of their children who, for whatever reason, enjoy the risk associated with trying illegal drugs.  Teens are among the dumbest human beings on this earth and that's where they're making the biggest mistakes of their lives.  That period of time in their lives is when they're the most vulnerable to thinking they can play with the drugs and not become addicted.  And the drug dealers know it!

I watched a video of a city cop who filmed street addicts as they descended into deep addiction and he then showed these films to high school students.  I thought this was one of the most valuable ways to warn them of the dangers.  Surely a visual of a healthy young face that turned into a sore ridden spectacle after only a few years of addiction would scare the teens into abstaining from drugs...but, has it?

We spend countless hours teaching school children about sex and sexual orientation but wouldn't we now be better off teaching them about the horrors of drug addiction?  Somehow we've jumped on the wrong band wagon because of the political groups who are only concerned with making their sexual choices acceptable.  We get it.  No-one should be victimized because of their legal sexual choices but now it's time to address a much bigger issue.  Our education system should be including massive information on the dangers of drug use.  Being gay will not kill you but drug addiction will.

I know many people who use recreational marijuana and I've believed it to be no dangerous than alcohol but I'm reconsidering this.  Anything that diminishes your mental capacity, even temporarily, can't be good for you.  Anything you take into your body that affects the brain is and has to remain a worry.  

The more I hear about how rich the drug manufacturers are getting from pushing their wares, the more I'm understanding that the looming legal drug epidemic might not be accidental.  If enough of the citizens are in an unclear state of mind, then the populace is easier to control.  Our government knows that opioid overuse is destructive but they're still being over-prescribed.  It makes you wonder if the government is more concerned with lives or company profits.

My fear is that drug use will end up demolishing a generation or two but my hope is that the next generation will learn from it.    

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