Saturday, October 20, 2018

Food Poisoning

I made a really delicious chicken soup yesterday with chicken thighs that had been in the freezer for maybe 4-5 months.  That may be a little past the length of time for frozen chicken but it shouldn't have made it rancid.  It looked and smelled fine.

I had it for supper and was pretty proud of myself because it was one of the best I'd ever made.  About 10 P.M., my stomach started to make noises and I felt a bit nauseous.  The nausea is what really worried me because I hate throwing up so much.  I'm lucky in that this almost never happens to me.  Anyway, I tried to ignore my symptoms and fell asleep.  An hour later I woke up knowing I was going to throw up and raced to the bathroom.  It was awful.  At the same time I worried about having diarrhea, too, but managed to just empty my stomach before shakily going back to bed.

Maybe half an hour later the diarrhea hit and kept on for a couple of hours.  I thought I might have the flu but it seemed more like food poisoning because I gradually felt better as my innards thrust out the offending chicken soup.

Our bodies are true miracles.  Vomiting and diarrhea are automatic reflexes used by our bodies to remove food or liquid that could harm us.  We might not like it but it's there to protect us.  

I'm a little queasy this morning and not too anxious to eat anything but I don't actually feel sick...therefore, it had to be food poisoning.  I'll be throwing out the rest of that delicious but deadly soup, though.    

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