Friday, November 30, 2018

Just a Thought

What did we do before Facebook?  It's a big part of my morning routine and I find it fascinating.  I can catch up with what the people I know are doing and thinking and I can read the jokes from the fun people I know.  It's an easy way of keeping in contact with the world outside my home and I enjoy it.

One of the jokes I posted this morning said something about me getting older but can't be shut up and I like and agree with that.  I think we all should speak up when we see or hear something that needs attention.  Anyway, I added that the reason I speak up is because I care and that's the truth.  I want a better world for myself but I also want it for everyone else.  Somehow, we've got to reduce the evil in this world because hatred for one thing or another has gotten out of hand.  

I do speak up a lot but I also try hard to exercise tact.  I often fail but I do try.  My opinion matters little to anyone else so I have to practice more humility when I do speak up.  Maybe having some inner dialogue with myself about what I can actually accomplish by speaking up will shut me up.  I like that last sentence.

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