Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trailer For Sale

Finally!!  Sharon, the park manager, came by my trailer and said I can sell it and it can stay in the park.  This is such good news because she won't let many of the older trailers stay after being sold and they have to be towed out.  This means the difference between maybe a few thousand dollars and nothing.

I went up to the office today to sign all the papers...they're selling it for me for $1,000, paid only if it sells.  They wanted to list it for $10,000 but I know that's way too much and it wouldn't sell.  I wanted to list it at $6,000 but they convinced me to list it at $7,500 saying they knew it would definitely sell.  I sure hope they're right!!!

I also put the down payment on the new trailer for next year.  I really love this park and the people who have become good friends but the rentals are so expensive that I can't see coming back again after next year.  For some reason I keep getting older.  It must be the water in the park.

Faye leaves on Sunday so she's going to help me straighten up the trailer on Saturday so it looks nice for photos on Monday.  Because the park is selling it, they show it on their website.  My trailer is cute as can be and I'm not biased.  I've loved it since 2000 and have had all these years to enjoy it but I'm not sad to see it go.  It's time.

Well, now I have to hope it does sell and that I can stay in it until March 30th.  I chose that date because I don't want to pay lot rent in April.  I'll go over to Shelley's to stay until it's time to go back home...Cindy and Don are coming down on March 28th and driving back with me.  I'm not happy that I need drivers to get me back and forth but it's a fact of life so I'll just appreciate that I have people who love who do this for me.

Games ("65") with the ladies tonight!

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