Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and, because I have no honey, I got nothing.  It didn't bother me and never really has but what made me a little sad was the memory of how Ron Woods would tape a little Valentine's card on the door of his widowed friends.  Ron was always the heart of this park for me.  He was one of the sweetest men I ever knew and it was a treat to watch how kind and caring he was to his wife, Gerrie.  I know his crazy ways must have driven her batty many times over the years but there was a great love between them that was apparent to everyone.

Ron and Gerrie left the park a few years ago due to advancing age and ill health and Ron passed away soon after.  I've always felt that this park will never be the same without him but maybe one day another wild and crazy guy will drive in here and settle down.  He'll have to be a very funny and gentle soul to match Ron, though.  I've never known anyone like him but I'm sure glad I had the opportunity to be one of his friends.

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