Sunday, March 10, 2019

Changing Values

I read something today that got me thinking.  Society and what they value, detest, or accept is continually changing so, even if it worries some of us, it's just the way it is.  I see the good in my offspring even if their ways may not be my ways...they are still decent human beings and that's the most we can hope for.  I also see less subtle changes in our society that really does worry me and that is the side where our youth are seeking to destroy everything that came before them.

I see teens and young adults marching and demanding everything for free without a thought of who has to work to provide that.  I see young parents intent on erasing every vestige of male or female as though our sex is something to be ashamed of.  I see wanton destruction to satisfy the issue of the moment and then to abandon that issue for the next one that comes to mind.  I see the disintegration of families where commitment doesn't mean forever if something else appears more thrilling.  I see single parent families where the second parent, either mother or father, simply walks away to pursue their own selfish interests.

I also see middle aged and even elderly politicians catering to the unrealistic demands of any minority as long as it gets them votes.

I try not to dwell on what disturbs me and concentrate on the goodness and beauty of what our world can be.  I'm always hoping that there is more good in humanity than evil and that the goodness will overcome whatever evil we all carry within.  I think it will.

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