Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Stigma of Menstruation?

As I was driving over to Cindy's yesterday, I heard a strange interview on the radio.  The person being interviewed was a lady who is seriously involved in removing the "stigma of menstruation" from our society.  I thought it was a joke at first but it went on for a long time explaining that this worldwide movement was becoming stronger and quite involved with corporate support.  I was amazed, confused, and wondered just how much of our tax dollars had been given to this group.

Now, I'm a female who has been on this earth for 78+ years and spent many of them menstruating but never once felt that there was any stigma attached to it.  I hated the inconvenience but accepted it as a part of life no different than having to urinate.

It wasn't until I got back home that I did my research and found that the most important aspect of this movement had not been discussed fully in the interview and that was why feminine hygiene products are taxed but Viagra is not!  Aha!

This I understand.  There is no stigma to menstruating just as there is no stigma to being fertile and of childbearing age but it certainly is unfair to have products associated with menstruation taxed while a product like Viagra is not.  By spending too much energy trying to change society's views on menstrual spillage and the fact that females changing gender to males will still menstruate (yes, she kept bringing that up), the most important fact of unfair taxation on a necessary product was just about overlooked.

I agree completely that products like sanitary pads and tampons are a necessary part of a woman's life and should not be taxed.  Viagra, on the other hand, is actually recreational and should be taxed.  But, please, a worldwide movement to remove the "stigma" of menstruation is going a bit far.       

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