Saturday, June 01, 2019

Cottage in the Backyard

We had Kim's birthday dinner at Nick's last night and their yard is all finished now with the hot tub and new landscaping.  It's gorgeous!  It got me thinking how foolish it is for people to go to the expense of buying and maintaining a cottage up north when they could just upgrade their backyard.  There is no weekend traveling in heavy traffic and there's no full day of the weekend doing cleanup and yard work that comes with only being at the cottage for 2 days a week.

One of the biggest assets, in my opinion, was that the previous owners of Nick and Bev's house built a huge, oversized deck that is really party sized.  Most people wouldn't build such a huge deck in a small backyard but it makes so much sense.  There is enough yard left for the massive hot tub they had installed this year and that suits them fine because it cuts down on lawn maintenance.

The new landscaping is all pretty much maintenance free, too, and Nick and Bev like it that way.  I'm very happy for them that their hard work has paid off so well.  They can enjoy it every day (not just on weekends)!

I'm so happy that they include me as much as they do.  My hard work as a good grandparent has paid off well, too!!

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