Friday, June 07, 2019


Another gun massacre in the States almost every day and gun enthusiasts still don't understand that this is a different world than it was 50 years ago.  They say there have always been guns in their homes and they were respected and not used to commit mass murder every few days.  That might be true but people were a different breed in those days.  They, as a rule, were brought up to respect authority and their country.  Guns were expensive and considered a necessity in bringing home provisions for their families.  Guns were needed a long time ago to protect families living in desolate areas.

Today we have children who are not disciplined or monitored because most families have 2 working parents just trying to make ends meet.  Or, worse, single parent families with one parent trying to do it all.  

The "politically correct" faction has taken away the authority of teachers to even fail a child who can't or won't do the work necessary to pass a grade.  It is no longer acceptable for students to honor their flag because "it might upset a student who has no respect for the flag".  Does this make sense?

Parents at volunteer run sports events scream profanities at the coaches and sometimes resort to violence, even murder, if something doesn't go their way.  Children see this and mimic the poor behaviour of their parents.

People are hired to do a job they aren't capable of performing but must be hired due to a quota...on race or sex.  This is most apparent in government jobs.  How many of us have called a government office for information and been given completely different answers by different employees?

Everyone seems to demand their rights without accepting their responsibilities.  One lone complaint can remove a Christmas tree or a military statue from a community and yet dozens of complaints cannot remove a predator from a neighborhood.
A union employee can cause disruption and loss of revenue for his/her place of employment and then sue their employer for firing them.  A terrorist can murder innocent people and then receive an apology and millions of dollars from their government (Canada) because they spent a supposedly long time in prison.  It seems that we are teaching our children that they probably won't be held responsible for their crimes.  And then we wonder why some will decide to obtain a gun and shoot to kill or even at random.

I've watched interviews of child murderers on T.V. and they often say they "made a mistake".  A mistake is when you misspell a word and not when you deliberately commit murder.  And yet there are many adults who will work hard to free these people from paying for their fatal "mistakes".

No, our world isn't the same as it was 50 years ago when respect was taught in more homes and more schools.  If a child is not taught respect of life, family, and country, they will become self serving and inconsiderate adults who shouldn't have easy access to guns.

50 years ago you could give a farm child a gun to use for hunting and they would be disciplined enough to use it wisely.  Today, imagine giving a gun to a teen who has not been taught boundaries or given responsibilities in the family.  Imagine giving a gun to an irresponsible child who is left alone most of the time because their parents are not around much.  Imagine giving a gun to a self centered and angry person who feels they aren't appreciated.  Imagine giving a gun to someone who has never been given consequences for bad behaviour.  And then imagine giving a gun to an illiterate teen who hates the world.

As a society, we have deteriorated to the point where very few people have the intelligence and maturity to be trusted with gun ownership.  

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