Monday, September 09, 2019

Donna's Memorial Service

Mary came in early for Donna's memorial service...she'd planned on coming in on Monday because we're going to the casino on Tuesday.  We had Brent pick us up to drive us to Todd's house where the memorial service was held.  The house was packed with people but most I'd never seen before...probably Todd and Kim's friends.  Of course, our family was there, too.

I was a little nervous about seeing Donna's urn and breaking down but I was just terribly sad.  There are so many memories with Donna over 62 years of my life and I wouldn't give that up for anything.  There will always be that empty spot now but that's life, isn't it?  We're all only here for a limited time, some longer or shorter than others.  That's a very good reason not to waste our limited time being angry or destructive or petty.

My Kim, Brent, Mary, and I went for dinner after the service.  We do spend a lot of time with our families and that is a blessing I never thought I'd come to appreciate when I was young.  My family is what makes my life.  Mary and I stayed up late yakking when we got back home like we always do.  Sunday we lounged around in the morning, did a bit of shopping in the afternoon, had dinner at "Wendys", and then spent the evening yakking.  It's a good life when you're surrounded with good people.

Cindy called me on her way to work this morning to see how the memorial service went (she and Don had been away for the weekend).  She's taken to checking up on me this way because she knows I'm always up early.  I am blessed with wonderful children!

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