Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gambling Fascination

I love the slots but I also have a strong understanding that I can't afford to lose much money so I don't think there's a chance of me becoming a dangerous gambler.  It's interesting how some people have a total aversion to gambling...they say they work too hard for their money to gamble it away...and some find it exciting.  Some find it so exciting that they gamble away, home, job, and family.

I like the colors, the bells, and the winners around me when I'm at the casino.  I'm always a bit surprised if I win anything but that never lasts long because I'm a true loser at gambling.  The good thing is that I'm very aware that any wins will quickly be followed by losses.

I don't know how gambling can become so addictive to a person that it causes them to lose their mind and not be able to stop.  It's almost as though they can't accept their loss and the hope for a big win to cover their losses rules their thinking.  Luckily, I know that, in the end, my losses will always be much larger than my wins because that has been the historical fact.

Anyway, I like gambling but, unless I become truly senile, it will never rule my life.

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