Friday, September 13, 2019

Late Nights

There is one good reason you should sow your wild oats before you get married and have children.  During those child raising years, you have little opportunity to stay up half the night because you have to be alert the next day to look after your children.  If you wait until you're old and beyond child raising age, you don't have the stamina to enjoy those late nights doing anything.

I can remember wishing so much for the freedom and fun of an unfettered life in my twenties but it wasn't to be.  I had 3 children by the time I was 23 so party days were over for me for a long time.  Now that I'm an old gal with nothing to slow me down, age has done it for me.  Damn!  

While Mary and then Faye was here, I was up half the night yakking.  At the casino on Tuesday night, I gambled until 1 A.M.  I got back home on Wednesday, had a long nap in the afternoon and then, yesterday, I slept half the day, went to bed early and had a good night sleep.  My poor old body refuses to let me party late and get away with it.  Life can be so darned unfair.

I usually go to bed around 10:30 P.M. and get up quite early but then I do need that afternoon nap to feel good.  That's the way it is and there's no sense trying to roll back the years.  

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