Monday, September 16, 2019

Long Time Employees

Is it just me or do others think that a faithful long time employee of any company who begins to fail in some ways in their present position not be fired but to be given the opportunity for another job in the company?  To my thinking, a long time employee has proven they are an asset to the company even if they are not quite up to par in their present job.  It makes sense to slide them into a less demanding job in the company because they've already proven themselves to be a worthwhile employee.

Some say companies have to consider only the bottom line and that's profit but one of the main ways for a company to become profitable is on the backs of their employees.  It seems terribly cold and selfish of any company to toss out an employee who has, for many years, built it into a profitable enterprise.

Then you need to consider that any long time employee is probably at least middle aged and won't be able to easily find employment that matches their present salary.  For an employer to feel that it isn't their problem is a shame.  Faithfulness and commitment should count for something in any company because that is something that not all of the employees have.  Most employees work for the paycheck and don't give a damn about the company.  That is represented in the quality of their work, too.

It hurts to know of people who have spent their youth working for a company only to be let go when they're older.  In some cases, it will be devastating to their family.  In some cases they will do okay.  And in some cases it will be the best thing that ever happened to them.  In every case, it will be a painful and frightening adjustment that should never have happened at all!


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