Sunday, November 17, 2019

Free Speech

Maintaining our freedom of speech is very high on my list of rants and I have and will continue to annoy my family (haven't noticed it with friends) with my comments anywhere.  I make these comments, not to pressure my family to change their opinions but to make sure they know that there is a whole contingent of people in this world that feel differently than they do.  It's important for our younger generation, the ones who are working hard to change society, that they might learn a little bit from our past.

We relish our freedoms and many don't understand how easily our politicians and loud minority can take them away from us.  We already have been made to feel guilty for saying "Merry Christmas" for heavens sake.  Who would ever have believed that would happen?

Every time we publicly condemn a person who says something we don't agree with and every time we passively allow our hard fought for freedoms be taken away or limited by the easily offended, we just might be changing society for the worse.  Everyone seems to be offended by something, even something rather small and unimportant.  Those offended then scream loudly (literally) to make those of us who have a different opinion feel guilty about it.  I refuse to fall into that trap.

Every word we speak can be taken out of context if the rigid right chooses to hear it their way.  Every single action we take can be taken the way we don't intend.  If anyone is wondering why we're becoming a society of nervous and paranoid people, this could be the reason.

I know who I am and I know I'm a good person who is not racist.  I refuse to take one moment of my time trying to convince anyone who thinks differently.  I sometimes don't express myself correctly and often have my words taken the wrong way but I'm human and not perfect.  What I am is a decent human being and anyone who questions that, well, it's their loss.

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