Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wicked Ex

We've had a few second or even third marriages in our family but seldom have I seen one of those really wicked ex wifes/husbands that go out of their way to make life miserable for the person they're not married to any more.  When it does happen, you just shake your head and wonder why someone would live their life being so cruel, and vicious...and trot off to church on a Sunday and pretend to others that they're decent folks.  I've also known a lot of so-called religious and pious people who are only that on the surface but someone you would never want to spend 1 minute with once you know their true personality.

Once the marriage is over and both have moved on to new lives, doesn't it make sense to treat each other with respect even if it's only for the sake of the children?  Children who grow up in a war zone will be damaged forever and one day turn on the parent who is perpetuating the war.

I believe in Karma and I believe that evil ex spouses must be living a sad life under all that meanness.  The evil they do will come back to haunt them once the children become adults.

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