Friday, March 20, 2020

Back Home

After a grueling 2 day drive, and then ending it by driving an hour in the dark, I'm finally home and happy as pig in poo to be forced to self quarantine for 2 weeks.  Having this much alone time is actually heaven for me except for having to rely on my family to do my grocery shopping.  They're in danger of catching the virus every time they leave their homes, too.

My sweet daughters stocked the fridge and cupboards with most of the things I'll need but there will always be something else and I hear the store shelves are poorly stocked right now and probably will get even worse.  I did hear a slight blurb on T.V. that we might be reaching the apex of the infestation and that would be good news.  There is also news of a vaccine being tested.

If you're sitting in your home with kitchen well stocked and fresh water available from your taps and you don't have to go to a job to support yourself, life seems pretty normal.  It isn't in the real world as the coronavirus hits more people every day and more deaths are happening because of it.  

I continue to hope this will all be just a horrible time in history that ended as quickly as it arrived.  The economy of the world will take years to recover but hopefully our lives will return to near normal in the next few months. 

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