Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantine Day 3

Why did I think this would be easy?  I don't live my normal life by being inside for so long and my discomfort is showing already.  And, even when the 14 days are up, what will I find when I venture outside?

I haven't watched the news yet this morning so I don't know how much the number of cases have risen but I know they must have and that we haven't reached the peak yet.  I learned on the drive back home to not listen to talk shows because that's where most of the outrageous estimates are being tossed around.  I expect they'll be high but I'm also expecting that new cases here in Canada will begin to lessen very soon.  I'm an optimist in this case because it scares me to think anything else.

Kim starts working only half days tomorrow, Kyle will be working with his brother-in-law, and the rest of the family (I hope) are still working full time at their jobs.  Again, this could change in an instant but I holding on to my optimistic theories.

Yesterday we had about 1200 cases of coronavirus in Canada with not too many deaths.  A regular flu could cause that many incidents but I know this virus is much more dangerous simply by the fact that the border is shut down and businesses are closing.  I wonder how long the economy can withstand these shut downs?  The stock market is in free fall.

I also wonder if the money I have in the bank is safe.  Most is in GIC's but what if the bank went under?  Being stuck in the apartment like this gives me too much time to lose my optimism.

So, today I'll install the new printer I bought in Florida and print out the form my insurance company sent me.  It states that I didn't make any claims on the insurance while I was away and won't be doing so.  They also want a credit card receipt to prove I'm home.  How can I do that when I can't leave home for the next 12 days???

Time to do some housework! 

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