Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Quarantine Day 6

The numbers of people infected with the coronavirus are still rising.  Canada has 1/10th the population of the U.S. but our numbers are much lower percentage wise.  U.S. has over 60,000 cases with 800+ dead and Canada has over 2,700 cases with 27 dead as of today.  I wonder why our statistics are so much lower than the States? 

I've spent way too much time playing games on the computer today and that has to stop because it dulls the mind.  I did get laundry done so that's one tiny accomplishment.

I saw my neighbor out in the hall when I was coming back from the laundry room and she gave me a huge bag of frozen haddock that her sister had sent from Nova Scotia...she'd actually sent 100 lbs. and Bonnie is desperate to get rid of some of it.  I'm lucky to have very nice neighbors who are friendly when we meet in the hall or on the elevator but aren't bothering you all the time.  When I moved in here, one of my worries was having a too friendly neighbor with too much time on her hands and who like to visit all the time.  Thank heavens that didn't happen.

The days are really dragging now and I want badly to just go out for a drive.  Anything to get out of the house.  At the end of the quarantine period, we'll all be free to venture out but I'm wondering what we'll find.  Will it be a world full of masked faces too frightened to come closer than 6'?  Will people have become even more isolated from each other than they were before the virus?  One way or another, our world won't go back to what it was before because the fear of contact has been driven into our psyches.  How sad.

Well, I really have to get off the computer and do something useful.  I'm not motivated.  

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